

Lysty crew has completed works on top of Aeurysm.

3 little jumps were added at the very beginning leading into some nice flow berms.

Due to the dry climate at the moment the berms are very dusty but it will be interesting to see how they settle in with after some rain.

Well done Lysty Crew - it is a start.



Parks Victoria has removed all jumps and obstacles that were deemed to dangerous for the general public.A kneejerk reaction in our opinion and hopefully not a sign of things to come in Lysty?


It was great while it lasted so below report on Aneurysm is now a bit of trip down memorylane for all riders who enjoyed this great track at Lysterfield.

Aneurysm Jumptrack Lysterfield

One of the most enjoyable little tracks in Lysty is called "Aneurysm".

Don’t let this name put you off because this is quite a brilliant jumptrack full of small to medium size jumps connected by nice flowing singletrack.

Aneurysm Lysterfield double logjump

Great place to brush up in your jumping skills as there are a wide variety of different jumps on offer.

From tabletops, log-jumps to drop-offs Aneurysm got it all.

Aneurysm Lysterfield tabletop jump

The jumps are not to difficult so you can roost over them at speed as to not interrupt the flow of the singletrack. Aneurysm is quite short but this makes riding back to the top a breeze to enable you to get multiple runs in within your ride.

You will see an improvement in your speed over this little beauty in a very short time.

This one would be also be a great little stage for a timed Enduro.

Big smiles all round from us on this singletrack

Team Wombat gives Aneurysm 4 stars out of five for sheer fun factor.

Well done Lysty.